two kindergarten students reading books in the classroom's cozy corner

Wild Roots Kindergarten and TK (Transitional Kindergarten)


Inspired by the Montessori method and Reggio Emilia approach to early learning, this one-of-a-kind kindergarten curriculum builds students’ confidence. It teaches them to reach deeper into their education. In this way, we nurture close connections to long-term projects and a sense of responsibility and ownership over their own learning.


Wild Roots’ TK / Kindergarten students are given daily opportunities to act as leaders in the primary program. This includes giving lessons, helping others, role modeling their work ethic. This leadership aides in reinforcement of confidence and pride.


Small groups allow for social and intellectual connectivity in all areas.


The children spend mornings working on core skills and receiving lessons. In the afternoon, they work collaboratively in the Atelier on projects where they practice and use the skills they’ve just learning. They work on creative and interest-led projects with various tools and mediums.


Educational and enriching field trips (families are often invited!) allow children to experience in-depth and meaningful studies as extensions of their classroom work. 


Children who remain with us for these special TK / Kindergarten years reap the most rewards of our immersive, hands-on long-term curriculum.

Kindergarten / TK Areas of Learning

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Extended lessons in language, math, science, social studies and geography.

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Classroom leadership roles in practical life lessons, sensory work, natural play, peace education and social grace.

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Extended opportunities to collaborate, problem-solve, and work together as a team in long term projects.

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Field trips and other opportunities for meaningful social / environmental investment into community.

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Extended opportunities for immersive, innovative projects including in the arts.

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Collective participation in music, movement, outdoor / nature exploration, for holistic wellness.

Check out the Gallery!

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Our Impactful Programs

Click on one to learn more!

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photo of preschoolers painting

Art Studio

The Atelier
3 to 10 years

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photo of a music room

Bella Musica

Music Lessons
2.5 to 10 years

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elementary student cuts mango

Cucina Affamato

Meal Program
2 to 10 years

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child climbing PE equipment

Sports Program

Wild Olympians
1 to 10 years

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child and mom paint

Parent & Me

Learn alongside your child!
1.5 to 5 years

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photo of girl with flower crown

Spanish Immersion

Foreign Language Learning
2 to 6 years

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Keep Discovering!


Love Letters!

My girls love waking up each morning and going to school. They are learning and developing into independent, confident and kind little girls. I attribute a lot of that to the teaching approaches used at Wild Roots. They foster the interests of the children by following their lead.


Love Letters!

Wild Roots will change your kids! They will come home every day with more confidence, independence, emotional intelligence, life skills, control over themselves and their emotions! Wild Roots is helping us create more than just smart kids, they are helping us mold amazing human beings.

— Dylan M., Parent

Love Letters!

My boys love going to school and always have a smile on their face when I pick them up. Wild Roots always has my sons’ best interest in mind in all they do. Love!

— Marina A., Parent

Love Letters!

I couldn’t be happier with this school. We’ve been there for 2 years now, and I wish they could just stay forever. I’m so grateful to live in the area so my kids can go to school here, I consider it a major blessing. For us, the best part is that it is holistic, nurturing, safe, and supportive.

— Sara M., Parent