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Motor Skills in the Infant Room

by | Dec 4, 2017

The month of November has been a time of impressive physical development for our young children. Our babies are all hitting their six month development so we are seeing them rolling over faster and faster. We also see them using their fine motor skills in more intentional ways. Our older children are becoming more active physically exploring more of their fine and large motor skills. The more a child develops fine motor skills the more his/her attention span will grow. The infant is always fascinated with their own body. Exploring one’s own fingers is the first step to connect using one’s fingers for intentional use. Our six month olds are holding manipulatives for longer time periods and they are reaching out with purpose to choose toys. Parents have probably noticed this at home. We also see our infants looking at the world around them with brighter more inquisitive eyes. Our toddlers are spending longer time periods working at their sensory activities and trying new mediums such as colored salt pouring, and scooping bird seed mixed with spices. Sponge painting has been a big hit as well. It is important for toddlers to see, touch, and explore varieties of colors and textures in order to develop fine motor control for pre writing skills, to be curious about and understand cause and effect, and experience problem solving in their world. The toddlers have also been running obstacles courses outside. This is also a fun way to develop fine motor skills, and practice following direction as we jump up, go over the bridge, run around a pillar and tip toe past various areas, and have laughs. Development moves quickly for young children and we know you are enjoying this observation as much as we do in the Lavender Room.

Click Below to Download this month’s reflection:

Lavender Room Reflections November


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