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At home, at school, and in virtually every environment experienced, young children soak up the world around them and gain knowledge through exploration of the senses. Sensory experiences forever imprint on our long term memory and shape the way we view the world....

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Kindergartners are Taking Root!

Our Kindergartners are taking root as they delve into a whole new chapter of life, and it has been a highlight of our fall program thus far! As the Wild Roots primary program is a mixed age blend of students 3-6 years of age, the TK/Kindergarten group began this new...

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Creating Inspiring Invitations to Learn

At Wild Roots, we LOVE creating inspiring invitations to learn! When materials are displayed carefully with intention and purpose, it suggests to students that the materials have inherent value and are worth using. When an activity is visually appealing, artfully...

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Areas of the Wild Roots Preschool Classroom

We are so excited for another amazing school year at Wild Roots! We have designed a beautiful layout in our primary program’s Oak Room to which we will begin with the basics in each area and slowly add materials throughout the year, as the children progress in the...

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Wild Roots Summer Splash Ideas Gallery

Believe it or not, Summer water play does NOT have to be a hassle for parents or educators! Instead of plastic pools and inflatables, lots of kid gear, and a ton of wet laundry to tend to, think natural play invitations! Here we've shared a few of our favorite summer...

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Herbal Remedies for Kids

 Herbs and Your Little One Children are special creatures, with sensitive, highly receptive, developing bodies. They are open-hearted, forgiving, and filled with energy. The light of our lives. They are human, and like us, sometimes they get sick. When this happens,...

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Academics in Kindergarten?

At Wild Roots, our approach to early childhood development and early learning is one that encompasses the whole child collectively: body, mind, and spirit. We treat this approach with compassion and care for each individual in our program. We desire for the children...

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Holding Space for the Emotional Child

All young children have their moments of complete distress over what may seem trivial to their caretaker or parent. We’ve all been there as parents of toddlers and preschoolers right? Whether it be a tantrum over the wrong color bow in your daughter’s hair or your...

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portrait of brittany ponce

Welcome friends, teachers and families! This blog is where we’ll share updates of our school, peeks into happy moments from our classrooms, as well as posts that dive into childhood education philosophies (especially Montessori and Reggio ones!) and ideas for keeping our young ones smiling and learning.

child riding a bike with a nanny helping

Need a Babysitter / Nanny?

Wild Roots Nannies provide holistic child care with Montessori and Reggio Emilia education philosophies.