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Celebrating Holidays at Wild Roots

by | Jun 3, 2016

As a holistic learning environment, Wild Roots made the decision about a year ago to begin the discontinuation of traditional holiday celebrations and replace them with inspiring and meaningful activities and festivals. We have been given some feedback on this decision, and with gratitude have taken the positive and negative comments into full consideration while shaping our policy surrounding the topic.


As Americans, we have grown accustomed to traditional holidays, such as Valentine’s Day with candy, Christmas with Santa Clause, and Easter with a candy bearing bunny. As parents, we spend a great deal of detail and attention to these traditional celebrations because we want to create that special experience for our own children that we have held sentimental from our childhoods. These holidays create a sense of warmth in our hearts and that in itself, is a wonderful reason to continue traditions in our own homes and family lives, if we so chose to.

However, in our learning center, we must ensure fulfilling and true learning experiences that are child led instead of tradition-based. As a holistic learning center, we have the responsibility to hold up to our name and create an environment where each celebration is based on understanding, discovery, collaboration, and meaning. Our goal is to provide opportunities for children to think for themselves, make deep connections to the spirits of their peers and family members, and celebrate based on their own desires.

We strive to honor and celebrate family, culture, and the natural world in meaningful ways. Like any of our project work, we allow celebrations to unfold naturally and organically, as to incorporate what the children may have already experienced in their own lives or what they learn about in the classroom.

It is our philosophy to celebrate holidays only as they become important to the children in the current timing of their work, but to not overemphasize forcefully any tradition that may not be of value to each child.

For instance, we may discuss the origins of certain holidays in a developmentally appropriate way, as a story telling activity that emphasizes moral meanings and history. Or, we may discover a fun and meaningful project to engage in, while recognizing a holiday that arises from discussions and planning together.

However, we will not insist that the children all participate in the same way, create teacher led artwork, or repeat celebrations automatically from the previous year, as these activities discourage meaning and value to their experiences. We desire for each celebratory action to be rich in meaning and motive.

At Wild Roots, we celebrate mother nature’s four seasons and earth cycles in an effort to display unity amongst all and respect for our earth’s beauty and abundance. While preparing for our festivals, the children are naturally presented with many learning opportunities in areas of science, social studies, language, and more.

Although there are many different holidays amongst various cultures and religions during the seasons that we may not all celebrate in the same way as human beings, we can all appreciate our marvelous earth and all it provides for us. To instill this gratitude in the youngest of children will surely impact their connection to the world as they grow. Providing the notion of peace, gratitude, and awareness of the earth’s abundance is our goal in holistic education.


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