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Celebrating Winter at Preschool!

by | Jan 14, 2018

We’re Celebrating Winter at Preschool!

The month of December proved to be a whirlwind of activity and excitement for all the classes here at Wild Roots! In preparation for winter and the nice break ahead, each classroom was able to celebrate in their own way.

In our Lavender class, the children really enjoyed exploring outside. The children took part in sensory play with bird seed, and were later able to watch the birds swoop down and eat the fallen seed. All our little ones were very excited to have their sensorial experience lead to an observation of real animals and of how they interact with our environment.

Our Rosemary and Oak Rooms were able to celebrate winter in a different way by hosting pajama days, as well as pancake breakfasts. The children enjoyed showing up to school dressed in their favorite and comfiest pajamas, and eating fluffy pancakes that morning.
These classrooms also worked hands-on with natural materials that arrive in Winter! The Rosemary Room was able to utilize pine leaves to paint with and explore, connecting nature with our winter season. Oak Room explored pine cones and recognized together that with winter comes snow, and were able to appreciate natural elements within the season upon us.

Discussions about winter and what may happen during winter in different environments sparked ideas in the Atelier to create winter boxes where scenes of winter are depicted. By the time break arrived, the children were excited and anxious to see what the season would bestow!

Click Below to download this month’s reflection:

Wild Roots December 2017 Reflection


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