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Exploring Weather Changes

by | Mar 19, 2018

In the Rosemary Classroom, the children have been exploring weather changes!

The children were very inquisitive about the rain and snow that they began to see towards the end of January. They discussed the different types of clothing and proper attire that is worn during the rain, and they were able to give the class examples by showing off their rain boots and bringing in umbrellas. When it got colder, the children noticed the mountains in the distance and recognized the snow on top. The Rosemary Classroom was thrilled when one of our parent’s donated some snow from the mountains that they were admiring for them to explore. They immediately put all of their hands in and realized how cold it was. Their faces lit up with excitement when they discovered how to form snowballs. This provided a great sensory activity for them to touch and feel and play (and occasionally taste) the snow. After they got a hands on experience with the snow, a book was read during circle time called, “When Spring Comes”.

In the book it shows the snow melting and the children were able to make a connection to watching the snow melt outside in their hands to the book. This sparked further discussion about the changes in plant and wildlife during the spring season. A new work was put out to provoke further thought about spring. In this work they are able to add flowers, bugs, and sticks in a sensory bin where they can dig around in to feel the earthy textures of spring. We invite all of our Rosemary families to investigate what new spring creatures they can find in their backyard this upcoming month.

Click Below to Download this month’s reflection:

Rosemary February 2018 Reflection


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Welcome friends, teachers and families! This blog is where we’ll share updates of our school, peeks into happy moments from our classrooms, as well as posts that dive into childhood education philosophies (especially Montessori and Reggio ones!) and ideas for keeping our young ones smiling and learning.

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