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Investigating Life Cycles of Nature

by | Jun 21, 2018

As we only have a few weeks left of spring, Oak Room has continued investigating life cycles. We have been deep in exploration of our caterpillars that were donated to our classroom. The children have seen them grow, have given them names, and have even predicted when our butterflies will emerge. As a community, we’ve documented every crucial change that the caterpillars reflect into a form of a book. Noor and Bronson titled it, “We Got Caterpillars For Our School.” Having this real-life exposure allows the children to experience the true transformation of a caterpillar. As of May 29, 2018, all our caterpillars have attached themselves upside down and begun spinning their chrysalides. Ms. Lidia posed the question, “What will our butterflies look like when they emerge?” The children gave their hypotheses of “red and green!” “rainbow sparkles!” and “brown spotty!” Additionally, this project will exercise our patience as we await the arrival of our butterflies. We cannot wait! We invite families to read stories and dive into discussions with their child about these fun topics we’ve had in class. A great story is, “Toby Came Late,” by Shari Lyon (a grandmother of one of our very own Oak Room students). On another note, individual and group lessons are continuing and are challenging the children in fun, new ways. For instance, the students have been creating short stories and comic books with words and storylines in the art area. You may have seen several books make their way home. We encourage you to invite your child to read you their story. Additionally, the younger children help the younger ones in writing their thoughts on paper. Here is another example of our mixed-age group in harmony with one another. We will continue our work as we approach the end of our school year. 🙂

Oak May 2018 Reflection


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Welcome friends, teachers and families! This blog is where we’ll share updates of our school, peeks into happy moments from our classrooms, as well as posts that dive into childhood education philosophies (especially Montessori and Reggio ones!) and ideas for keeping our young ones smiling and learning.

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