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Kindergartners are Taking Root!

by | Sep 10, 2018

Our Kindergartners are taking root as they delve into a whole new chapter of life, and it has been a highlight of our fall program thus far!

As the Wild Roots primary program is a mixed age blend of students 3-6 years of age, the TK/Kindergarten group began this new school year with enthusiasm for becoming the leaders of our Oak Classroom.

When discovering together what great leadership entails, the children discussed many important qualities of a leader including honesty, integrity, kindness and being a good example to others. After reading about great world leaders such as Abraham Lincoln, Ghandi, and Hellen Keller, the children realized how they could embody these qualities in their very own environment as the oldest in our primary program. They have been encouraging the younger children to work, as well as giving lessons, role modeling respectful behavior, and even assisting with preparing hot meals for the younger children.

The students have also started lessons with geometry and shapes! To start off geometry lessons, we launched a detailed study into circles. The children loved to hunt for circle shapes found in everyday objects and we refined our motor skills by cutting and pasting. We found circles everywhere! Tires, lemons, clocks, blueberries and even jalapenos were some of our favorites! Circles are such a popular shape, we even found some in art! This week we studied the artist Wassily Kandinsky who painted the very recognizable ‘Concentric Circles’. Kandinsky used shapes and colors to communicate feeling. He would often listen to music and then paint the feelings conveyed by the composition. We followed Kandinsky’s example and listened to music as we colored our feelings. Some of our circles were yellow, orange and happy, while others were blue, purple and sad.

We continued our one-dimensional shape work and dived into a detailed study into squares. We again discussed squares we encounter in everyday life. The children found them in presents wrapped in paper, windows, rugs, and picture frames.To further our understanding we read the book, “Coppernickel Goes Mondrian” by Wouter van Reek. This silly story builds on the ideas of abstract art that we learned last week. Mr. Coppernickel is looking towards the future and finds it has very simple lines, primary colors, and squares!
We were so inspired by Mr. Coppernickel and Mondrian that we decided to try our hand at making our own De Stijl masterpieces with blues, reds, and yellow.
As our studies progressed, the students began to notice differences between flat shapes on paper and living shapes in the 3 dimensional world. As such, our shape study will continue into 3 dimensional geometric solids and construction! Here is a sneak peak on one of our upcoming, origami style lessons this month.


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