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Infants engage in Movement

by | Feb 3, 2018

It seems our entire room is on the move in one form or another. A large part of how toddlers learn about their environment is through moving their bodies, moving furniture and moving objects (throwing, pushing, and pulling). We have seen this happen repeatedly with each toddler as the children learn from one another’s behaviors. The outside yard has been the focus of this group as they explored walking over the bridge and pushing the cart over the bridge, as well as climbing over the triangle and especially using our curved balance board. Repetition of movement is another way in which infants and toddlers master a skill. Each of our infants are crawling on their own. Many of them are pulling to a stand, starting to cruise and taking chances of standing on their own. In mastering these skills of balance, there are many falls and bumps, as well as, tears and startled looks on their faces. This is all a natural progression for large motor development. The oldest toddlers in our classroom are moving to the Rosemary Room. We are saying goodbye to Paul, Derek and Belle. They are turning two years old and we are so confident they are ready to have a successful experience in the Rosemary Classroom. Babies are a joy to see develop and in a blink of the eye they move from one stage to the next. Remember to take time to rejoice in each new developmental phase your baby is achieving.

Click Below to Download this month’s reflection:

Lavender Room Reflections


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Wild Roots Nannies provide holistic child care with Montessori and Reggio Emilia education philosophies.