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Preschool Multicultural Meal Ideas!

by | Sep 24, 2018

The Wild Roots Kitchen is churning up something different every Friday this year! Here, we’ve shared what we’re up to and why… plus, learn about our 1st four child friendly multicultural meal ideas this fall!

Here at Wild Roots…

everything we do with the children has a purpose- and is connected, in one way or another, to something else! Its the nature of project work, where 1 lesson sparks another idea, and work done for the first idea lends itself to an experiment or solution in another area! Our children are so invested in what they do at school and in the classroom, and find meaning and application in a variety of ways! Eventually, projects come full circle and the children have developed well rounded, integrated, meaningful knowledge and experience!
This month, our Kinders, feeling excited about their new roles as the eldest of the primary program, have been exploring the concept of leadership in what they do at school each day. Being in a mixed age classroom allows them lots of opportunities to role model to the younger children, practicing kindness and grace. One of  the ways that the children have decided to extend this leadership effort was to assist in the preparation of our hot lunch meals for the younger students once a week. This preparation time has been interesting and valuable, as it has allowed the Kinders to feel investment and pride in crafting something special and providing service arising from genuine care for their peers.
Now, Wild Roots enjoys every opportunity to celebrate community and rich, vivid experiences for the children that unite them together. As such, we are not at all set in doing any one thing just one way. We embrace each opportunity to appreciate diversity and learn something new or different from what is familiar, no matter what the context. So, in celebration of cultural diversity and a love for allowing children the chance to explore amazing foods and flavors, we will be incorporating meals from around the Globe into our food service! Each Friday, our Kinders wont be preparing just any meal, they will be journeying to another culture!

Here’s a peak at our first four meal journeys, which are each child friendly, exciting, and delicious!

  • Peru: Tallrines Verdes, a bright, fresh Peruvian pesto noodle dish with Spinach, Basil and Queso Fresco! Served with steamed Asparagus and sliced Mango!
  • France: “Crepes d’oeufs avec Fraises”- traditional spongy rolled Crepes with Stawberries! Served with Haricot Verts (thin French green Beans)
  • Germany: “Kartoffelpuffer” – a grated potato & onion Cake. Served with Möhren & Aprikose (steamed Carrots; Apricots)
  • Mexico: “Enchiladas con Pollo” – Chicken Enchiladas! Served with Roasted Zapallo (squash) & Melón (Cantaloupe)

Here, the students will learn about each culture’s native flavors, seasonal produce, and fresh cuisine! The students take some time to talk about the culture’s land, flag, and climate while working in the kitchen. These explorations allow for advanced geography exploration that goes beyond traditional classroom lessons. Additionally, meal preparation has been taken into the kitchen and involves greater practice and skill beyond traditional Montessori-style food prep. Here, they help to operate the stove and oven, work to mix and blend, use skilled tools, and plate artistically, too! Although most of our Kindergartners do not participate in receiving school lunches, they have the opportunity to taste each of the meals they help prepare and serve!

Our chef, Ms. Lindy, says about multicultural Fridays…

“…I wanted the kids to experience unique flavors, combinations, and ingredients that they might not otherwise experience. I has been a great opportunity to talk about other countries, cultures, and environments. We utilize a small buildable book that contaisn a page for each country that we visit in our culinary adventure. Each country’s page includes its location, climate, traditions, and typical ingredients in their meals. During meal time, the kinders and teachers have the opportunity to share with the preschoolers about the dish! I hope to guide them in discovering that the world is extremely diverse, and that that whats makes it special and interesting!”

For more information about Our Cucina Affamato Meal Program, please click here: Wild Roots’ Meal Program

For more information about Our Kinder’s first month of school, please click here: Kindergartener’s are Taking Root!

For more information about Wild Root’s Kinder/Transitional Kinder program, please click here: Kindergarten/TK Program


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