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Preschool Zen Garden

by | Apr 5, 2018

One of the most recent projects that the children have been working on is the zen garden. The project began by planting, sweeping, and decorating the space. Then we had a gathering outside to brainstorm which quiet activities they would like to bring out. Some wanted a new fairy garden area. Reading and drawing were other popular suggestions.

Since introducing these new materials to the zen garden, the children have enjoyed reading books about bugs, plants, and the changing seasons in the shade covered retreat. They have drawn pictures of the plants they see, and they have interviewed each other about their favorite things to do in the zen garden. Most of them said digging holes for new plants, playing in the fairy garden, and feeling the wind blow the tapestry!

In the atelier children will continue to paint decorative rocks for outside he flower beds. We will also be painting a sign for our new tranquil outdoor space. We look forward to seeing how the zen garden will continue to develop based on the ideas that the children have!

We love our Preschool Zen Garden!!!

Click Below to download this month’s reflection:

Wild Roots March 2018 Reflections


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Welcome friends, teachers and families! This blog is where we’ll share updates of our school, peeks into happy moments from our classrooms, as well as posts that dive into childhood education philosophies (especially Montessori and Reggio ones!) and ideas for keeping our young ones smiling and learning.

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Wild Roots Nannies provide holistic child care with Montessori and Reggio Emilia education philosophies.