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The Art of Design

by | Jun 21, 2018

The art of Design is coming alive in our Atelier… through creating their own costumes for the music program & exploring art in culturally diverse contexts, the children have found value in using DESIGN as a medium to create art!

In the Atelier this month, many children have been busy making their costumes for the Music Program Recital in June. The program has offered the children the chance to conceptualize friendship and partners, and their costumes were planned to portray pairs such as salt and pepper. It started with many of them drawing a picture of what they wanted to make. Then they gathered their materials and cut, glued, and sewed each piece into place. Next they painted, added sequins, and sewed on beads to complete their designs. Some even made props to complete their vision. Each costume took many weeks to finish. Their progress is documented on the bulletin board in the Atelier so they can look back on where they started to see how much they have accomplished through diligent and invested work. The children have also been interested in reading books about famous artists such as Picasso, Matisse, and Frida Kahlo. We have also been reading books about art from other cultures. Exploration of other artists and cultures expands the childrens’ ideas about what art is and how it can be expressed. They loved reading “Ten Little Rabbits” by Virginia Grossman and Sylvia Long, and “The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush” by Tomie dePaola. This prompted a discussion about forms of art other then paintings on paper. These two books highlighted traditional Native American blankets and animal skin paintings. We will continue this project by learning about tapestry art from other cultures and even making our own tapestry!

Click Below to download this month’s reflection:

Atelier May 2018 Reflections


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