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Developing Toddler Self Help Skills

by | Dec 4, 2017

The month of November has been a busy and progressive month for our Rosemary kiddos. They have taken sincere interest in showing their independence and caring for themselves. We have taken this opportunity as a class to give lessons about taking off and putting on their shoes, blowing their nose, and restroom etiquette. The children have been especially interested in “the potty”. We encourage them to get familiarized with the potty, as this will strengthen their desire to potty train and go on their own (and parents this is something you can get excited for too). Encouraging exploration and mastery of self care tasks develops self confidence and a sense of pride, fostering accomplishment and ease moving through important everyday tasks. The topics we have explored and discussed together this month have fostered the children’s understanding of the importance of caring for themselves and the continuous strive for independence. These simple tasks establish a great foundation in basic toddler self help skills, and furthers the child’s passion to become an independent being. “The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say ‘the children are now working as if I did not exist.” -Maria Montessori

Click Below to Download this month’s reflection:

Rosemary Room November


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Welcome friends, teachers and families! This blog is where we’ll share updates of our school, peeks into happy moments from our classrooms, as well as posts that dive into childhood education philosophies (especially Montessori and Reggio ones!) and ideas for keeping our young ones smiling and learning.

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Wild Roots Nannies provide holistic child care with Montessori and Reggio Emilia education philosophies.