Toddlers Explore Caterpillars
The month of May has been such an exciting month for all the children in Rosemary. We added a new addition to our classroom: baby caterpillars! To further this exploration, we read “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”, and the children have shown so much enthusiasm about our new little friends. The most interesting topic has been how the caterpillars form cocoons around themselves before they become butterflies. (At this point our caterpillars are now butterflies, but the children enjoyed observing the progress every day.) The children were able to experience the beginning stages of the caterpillars’ lives. They have watched them grow into, “big fat caterpillars”, just like in the book. The children were very excited to watch the caterpillars grow into butterflies, and it offered such a great opportunity for them to observe a life cycle of nature. This allowed the children to observe the real science of life, survival, and metamorphosis, and provoked further thought and questions about life science, encouraging the children to engage in critical thinking. While in the garden or outside in your own home, we encourage you to allow the children to explore and identify the concept of living and nonliving in plants, animals, and insects!
Click Below to Download this month’s reflection: