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Welcome Back to School!

by | Sep 15, 2017

The ” Back to School ” season is always an exciting time for children and adults alike. The 2017/2018 school year at Wild Roots is beginning as our best year yet! When strolling around our beautiful center, I can’t help but feel the warmth of the environments, the simplicity of the classroom designs, the joy of the staff members, and the inspiration of the children. The children are excited to embark on a new year and you can feel it in the air. Returning students are settling into another back to school season, taking initiative with confidence and grace. Others are new and curious about this new chapter of life, called “school”, that comes along with the changing of seasons.

Our newly designed primary classroom, “Oak Room” has a large open layout, promoting movement and flow throughout the space. The incredible hand-woven rug is the centerpiece, used for morning gathering, Tai Chi, and “line movement exercises” throughout the morning work period. The children are excited to gather together each morning to prepare their bodies and minds for the day ahead.

When peeking in on the children working in the Oak Room during the morning work period, I feel an overwhelming sense of peace as I observe children engaged in activity, evenly distributed throughout all of the areas. A sense of comfort is present in the atmosphere, from the lingering aroma of freshly baked bread or a wholesome lunch being prepared in our Cucina Affamato.

We truly recognize the amazing benefits to having a community of mixed ages, as we witness the older children role modeling to the younger children, working alongside them and building them up. It is beautiful to watch a five-year-old reading to a three-year-old or demonstrating how to clear their dishes after snack.

As I walk through the door leading to the backyard environment, I find the children playing among flowers, beside freshly harvested squash in the garden. They are discovering the new Wild Roots Little Village and driving cars on the new play roadway- and at most times, you will see at least one child hanging upside down from the climbing structure, with their hair dangling wildly as they happily frolic and play.

As I enter the newly added Atelier, I see small groups of children experimenting with fine arts, clay sculptures, and recycled materials. The children enjoy visiting this space, surely finding the art medium that invites their spirit to come alive, while creating with their hands and truly experiencing through their senses. It is amazing to watch inventors and dreamers find their roots here, where their eyes grow wide as they unleash creativity and discover wonders in the natural world.

The dedication of our team to provide an environment that behaves as a “third teacher” is evident and satisfying to anyone who appreciates the efforts put forth for the children. It is astonishing to witness the children already independently working in such harmony, and only after a few weeks. Our toddlers especially have demonstrated grace, courtesy, and intrigue and are truly enjoying creative materials.

Our newest program, “Lavender Room” for mixed age infants, is finally filling up and we couldn’t be any more excited to have babies and young toddlers in our center! Whether we hear endless laughter or boisterous babbles resounding from Lavenders’ walls, their sounds fill our hearts with satisfaction and purpose.

We are now complete <3




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